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General question to this forum

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I've a general question. What is this English forum used for? Just another forum to spam or a forum where users that aren't able to ask their questions in German language can ask for help?

Sorry ... topics like "Windows or Linux?", "do you think about death?", "are you going in your bed?", "mercedes versus bmw", "is there in germany a choco-cream?", ... simply are not interesting and unnecessary.

If the user "italian pride" wants to chit chat he may search an Italian forum where he can do this.

I said the following in another thread before.
:arrow: HTML.de
A German project that contains information about HTML. Not an Italian or English board where people meet to chat!

Maybe it is possible that someone can explain to me what this English forum should be used for.
Thanks in advance.

Regards, Ben.
it is mainly used as an english version of the german offtopic forum. So it is a place whre you can post every kind of questions. Of course you can als request tecnical help with php / html etc. .
I think it's a spam board... nobody cares, if there is a kind of nutella in germany or not. it's a "evening-and-nothing-to-do"-board.

spam is if i put link in my post.

i put link in my post?



a new forum usually is very difficult to start. if there are not new tread it is + easy that this forum dead

i'm administrator of 1 forum and i moderate 2 forum. i'm not a beginner.

but if i want ask about PHP or Google algoritm i ask in italian in other forum. why= ...because techincal engilsh is not easy.

ok? bye now.

be positiva ;Jump ;Jump ;ugl
it is a way to talk about all, with other people from other places..

our goal is not the spam, we like to have a conversation..

it is a twinning... :D
Or this forum serves the boredom :mrgreen:
Why the foreigners do not write in other forums, where one speaks their language?
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