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problem skype contrib os commerce

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habe einen Growshop & Headshop,Bong, Grow im Growshop os commerce shop, habe dort versucht ein skype contrib zu installieren, eine box die meinen skype onlinestatus anzeigt und über die mich mitglieder kontaktieren können. habe üeber den phpadmin die sql-dateien hinzugefügt und das klappte, zumindest, kann ich den contrib üeber den admin einsehen, dann habe ich etwas zur column.left.php und english.php und geman.php hinzugefügt, bzw. ergänzt was in der anleitung stand. bis jetzt konnte ich noch keine skype-box auf meinem shop erkennen, woran liegts? hier ist die column-left:
  $Id: column_left.php,v 1.15 2003/07/01 14:34:54 hpdl Exp $
  osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions
  [url=http://www.oscommerce.com]osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions[/url]
  Copyright (c) 2003 osCommerce
  Released under the GNU General Public License
  if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) {
    echo tep_cache_categories_box();
  } else {
    include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'categories.php');
  if ((USE_CACHE == 'true') && empty($SID)) {
    echo tep_cache_manufacturers_box();
  } else {
    include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'manufacturers.php');
  if ($request_type != 'SSL') {
     // Skype Contact box only visible when on non-secured pages
    include(DIR_WS_BOXES .'skype_contact.php');
  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'whats_new.php');
  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'search.php');
  require(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'information.php');

dann die english.php-datei(das ende dieser datei):

define('WARNING_SESSION_AUTO_START', 'Warning: session.auto_start is enabled - please disable this php feature in php.ini and restart the web server.');
define('WARNING_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY_NON_EXISTENT', 'Warning: The downloadable products directory does not exist: ' . DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD . '. Downloadable products will not work until this directory is valid.');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_DATE', 'The expiry date entered for the credit card is invalid.<br>Please check the date and try again.');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_INVALID_NUMBER', 'The credit card number entered is invalid.<br>Please check the number and try again.');
define('TEXT_CCVAL_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CARD', 'The first four digits of the number entered are: %s<br>If that number is correct, we do not accept that type of credit card.<br>If it is wrong, please try again.');
// Skype
 define('BOX_HEADING_SKYPE', 'Skype Live Contact');
 define('TEXT_SKYPE_CALL', 'Call through Skype');
 define('TEXT_SKYPE_CHAT', 'Chat through Skype');
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  For more information please read the following
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  support site:
  [url=http://www.oscommerce.com/community.php/faq,26/q,50]osCommerce: Copyright Policy[/url]
  Please leave this comment intact together with the
  following copyright announcement.
define('FOOTER_TEXT_BODY', 'Copyright &copy; 2003 <a href="[url=http://www.oscommerce.com]osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions[/url]" target="_blank">osCommerce</a><br>Powered by <a href="[url=http://www.oscommerce.com]osCommerce, Open Source Online Shop E-Commerce Solutions[/url]" target="_blank">osCommerce</a>');

was stimmt da nicht, habe ich die skype-befehle an die falsche stelle gesetzt?
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