/*-- Paste this code into an external JavaScript file named: quiz_config.js */
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source :: http://www.javascriptsource.com
Created by: James Crooke :: http://www.cj-design.com */
var questions = new Array();
var choices = new Array();
var answers = new Array();
var response = new Array();
var images = new Array();
images[0] = "images/dia0.jpg";
images[1] = "images/dia1.jpg";
images[2] = "images/dia2.jpg";
images[3] = "images/dia3.jpg";
images[4] = "images/dia4.jpg";
images[5] = "images/dia5.jpg";
// To add more questions, just follow the format below.
questions[0] = "1) Welcher Fisch ist das?";
choices[0] = new Array();
choices[0][0] = "Aal";
choices[0][1] = "Aland";
choices[0][2] = "Amerikanischer Flusskrebs";
choices[0][3] = "Äsche";
choices[0][4] = "Bach-/Flussneunauge";
choices[0][5] = "Bachforelle";
choices[0][6] = "Bachsaibling";
choices[0][7] = "Barbe";
choices[0][8] = "Bitterling";
choices[0][9] = "Brassen";
choices[0][10] = "Döbel";
choices[0][11] = "Dorsch (Kabeljau)";
choices[0][12] = "Dreistachliger Stichling";
choices[0][13] = "Elritze";
choices[0][14] = "Europäischer Flusskrebs";
choices[0][15] = "Flunder";
choices[0][16] = "Flussbarsch";
choices[0][17] = "Giebel";
choices[0][18] = "Gründling";
choices[0][19] = "Güster";
choices[0][20] = "Hasel";
choices[0][21] = "Hecht";
choices[0][22] = "Karausche";
choices[0][23] = "Kaulbarsch";
choices[0][24] = "Kesselgrundel";
choices[0][25] = "Lachs";
choices[0][26] = "Maifisch";
choices[0][27] = "Makrele";
choices[0][28] = "Meerforelle";
choices[0][29] = "Moderlieschen";
choices[0][30] = "Mühlkoppe (Groppe)";
choices[0][31] = "Nase";
choices[0][32] = "Quappe";
choices[0][33] = "Rapfen";
choices[0][34] = "Regenbogenforelle";
choices[0][35] = "Rotauge";
choices[0][36] = "Rotfeder";
choices[0][37] = "Schlammpeitzger";
choices[0][38] = "Schleie";
choices[0][39] = "Schmerle";
choices[0][40] = "Schnäpel";
choices[0][41] = "Schneider";
choices[0][42] = "Steinbeißer";
choices[0][43] = "Ukelei";
choices[0][44] = "Wels";
choices[0][45] = "Wildkarpen";
choices[0][46] = "Zander";
choices[0][47] = "Zährte";
choices[0][48] = "Zwergstichling";
answers[0] = choices[0][0];
questions[1] = "2) JavaScript is ...";
choices[1] = new Array();
choices[1][0] = "subjective";
choices[1][1] = "objective";
choices[1][2] = "evil";
choices[1][3] = "object based";
answers[1] = choices[1][3];
questions[2] = "3) To comment out a line in JavaScript ...";
choices[2] = new Array();
choices[2][0] = "Precede it with two forward slashes, i.e. '//'";
choices[2][1] = "Precede it with an asterisk and a forward slash, i.e. '*/'";
choices[2][2] = "Precede it with an asterisk, i.e. '*'";
choices[2][3] = "Precede it with a forward slash and an asterisk, i.e. '/*'";
answers[2] = choices[2][0];
questions[3] = "4) JavaScript can only run on Windows";
choices[3] = new Array();
choices[3][0] = "True";
choices[3][1] = "False";
answers[3] = choices[3][1];
questions[4] = "5) Semicolons are optional at the end of a JavaScript statement.";
choices[4] = new Array();
choices[4][0] = "True";
choices[4][1] = "False";
answers[4] = choices[4][0];
questions[5] = "6) The four basic data types are:";
choices[5] = new Array();
choices[5][0] = "strings, numbers, BooBoos, and nulls";
choices[5][1] = "strings, text, Booleans, and nulls";
choices[5][2] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and nulls";
choices[5][3] = "strings, numbers, Booleans, and zeros";
answers[5] = choices[5][2];
// response for getting 100%
response[0] = "Excellent, top marks!";
// response for getting 90% or more
response[1] = "Excellent, try again to get 100%!"
// response for getting 70% or more
response[2] = "Well done, that is a good score, can you do better?";
// response for getting over 50%
response[3] = "Nice one, you got more than half of the questions right, can you do better?";
// response for getting 40% or more
response[4] = "You got some questions right, you can do better!";
// response for getting 20% or more
response[5] = "You didn't do too well, why not try again!?";
// response for getting 10% or more
response[6] = "That was pretty poor! Try again to improve!";
// response for getting 9% or less
response[7] = "Oh dear, I think you need to go back to school (or try again)!";