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Hi, wie kann ich die hintergundfarbei bei der shoutbox von webspell ändern?? beim firefox ist es durchsichtig, aber beim IE weisse schrift auf weissen hintergund ^^
kann mir da pls einer helfen
kann mir da pls einer helfen
### ###
~### Copyright by webspell.org, 2005 ###~
### ###
visit webSPELL.org to get webSPELL for free
- using GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE: It's not allowed to remove this copyright-tag
-- FSF - GNU General Public License
Code: Michael Gruber (webspell.at) / Florian Siegmund (webspell.org)
### visit webspell.org ###
if($_GET['action']=="save") {
$message = $_POST['message'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
if(!empty($name) && !empty($message)) {
$ip = getenv(REMOTE_ADDR);
$ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,1");
if(($ds[message] != $message) OR ($ds[name] != $name)) safe_query("INSERT INTO ".PREFIX."shoutbox (date, name, message, ip) VALUES ( '$date', '$name', '$message', '$ip' ) ");
header("Location: shoutbox_content.php?action=show");
elseif($_GET['action']=="delete") {
if(!isfeedbackadmin($userID)) die('No access.');
foreach($_POST['shoutID'] as $id) {
safe_query("DELETE FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox WHERE shoutID='$id'");
header("Location: index.php?site=shoutbox_content&action=showall");
elseif($_GET['action']=="showall") {
eval ("\$title_shoutbox = \"".gettemplate("title_shoutbox")."\";");
echo $title_shoutbox;
$all = safe_query("SELECT count(shoutID) FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox ORDER BY date");
$all = mysql_result($all, 0);
if(!isset($page)) $page = 1;
if(!isset($type)) $type = "DESC";
for ($n=$max; $n<=$all; $n+=$max) {
if($all>$n) $pages++;
if($pages>1) $page_link = makepagelink("index.php?site=shoutbox_content&action=showall&type=$type", $page, $pages);
if ($page == "1") {
$ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox ORDER BY date $type LIMIT 0,$max");
if($type=="DESC") $n=$all;
else $n=1;
else {
$ergebnis = safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox ORDER BY date $type LIMIT $start,$max");
if($type=="DESC") $n = $all-($page-1)*$max;
else $n = ($page-1)*$max+1;
$sorter='<a href="index.php?site=shoutbox_content&action=showall&page='.$page.'&type=DESC">Sort:</a> <img src="images/icons/asc.gif" width="9" height="7" border="0"> ';
$sorter='<a href="index.php?site=shoutbox_content&action=showall&page='.$page.'&type=ASC">Sort:</a> <img src="images/icons/desc.gif" width="9" height="7" border="0"> ';
echo'<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td>'.$sorter.' '.$page_link.'</td>
eval ("\$shoutbox_all_head = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_all_head")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_all_head;
while($ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) {
$i%2 ? $bg1=BG_1 : $bg1=BG_2;
$date=date("d.m - H:i", $ds[date]);
$message=str_break($message, 60);
if(isfeedbackadmin($userID)) {
$actions='<input class="input" type="checkbox" name="shoutID[]" value="'.$ds[shoutID].'">';
else $actions='';
eval ("\$shoutbox_all_content = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_all_content")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_all_content;
if($type=="DESC") $n--;
else $n++;
eval ("\$shoutbox_all_foot = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_all_foot")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_all_foot;
if(isfeedbackadmin($userID)) $submit='<input class="input" type="checkbox" name="ALL" value="ALL" onClick="SelectAll(this.form);"> select all
<input type="submit" value="delete selected">';
echo'<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td align="right">'.$submit.'</td>
if($pages>1) $page_link = makepagelink("index.php?site=shoutbox_content&action=showall", $page, $pages);
else {
if(!$sbrefresh) $sbrefresh = 60;
eval ("\$shoutbox_head = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_head")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_head;
$ergebnis=safe_query("SELECT * FROM ".PREFIX."shoutbox ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,".$maxshoutbox."");
while($ds=mysql_fetch_array($ergebnis)) {
$date=date("H:i", $ds[date]);
$name=str_break($ds[name], 15);
$message=str_break($ds[message], 15);
eval ("\$shoutbox_content = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_content")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_content;
eval ("\$shoutbox_foot = \"".gettemplate("shoutbox_foot")."\";");
echo $shoutbox_foot;