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Ich habe hiere ein JavaScript Code, es soll ein Slider hervorholen:
Hier die Bsp. Seite: AppCommander
Meine Frage: Wie mache ich es, das der Slider Autostartet?
Ich habe hiere ein JavaScript Code, es soll ein Slider hervorholen:
<script type='text/javascript'>var $jx = jQuery.noConflict(); $jx(function() { $jx(".mygallery").jCarouselLite({ btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev", easing: "backout", speed: 1000 }); $jx(".mytext").jCarouselLite({ btnNext: ".next", btnPrev: ".prev", visible: 1, vertical: true, easing: "backout", speed: 1000 }); });
<div id='slidearea'>
<div id='gallerycover'><div class='mygallery'>
<li><img src=''/> </li>
<li><img src=''/></li>
<li><img src=''/></li>
<li><img src=''/></li>
<li><img src=''/></li>
<li><img src=''/></li>
</ul><div class='clear'/> </div></div><a class='prev' href='#'><img alt='Previous' src=''/></a><a class='next' href='#'><img alt='Next' src=''/></a> <div id='textcover'><div class='mytext'>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-1-LINK-HERE'>Slide 1 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 1 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-2-LINK-HERE'>Slide 2 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 2 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-3-LINK-HERE'>Slide 3 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 3 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-4-LINK-HERE'>Slide 4 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 4 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-5-LINK-HERE'>Slide 5 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 5 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<li><h2><a href='ENTER-SLIDE-6-LINK-HERE'>Slide 6 Title</a></h2><p>This is slide 6 description. Go to Edit HTML and find this content. Replace it your own description.</p></li>
<div class='clear'/> </div></div>
Hier die Bsp. Seite: AppCommander
Meine Frage: Wie mache ich es, das der Slider Autostartet?